Weaponized incompetence

I would like to talk about something I only heard about recently. I was a psyche minor as an undergrad and I never heard of such a term.

I personally do not do well on boring repetitive tasks. It is not my cup of tea. So, if you asked me to do a task such as this, my mind would wonder off somewhere.

However, if I screwed up a tedious task, with the goal of, not having to do it again. That is a different story. This introduces the idea of-

Weaponized incompetence, also called strategic incompetence, is when someone knowingly or unknowingly demonstrates an inability to perform or master certain tasks, thereby leading others to take on more work. This generally occurs in two domains—in the household, between partners, and at work, between colleagues.

Or maybe the slogan of the current Republican party. Weaponized incompetence

Then there is Ignatius from the classic novel “A Confederacy of Dunces”. He pulled it off well.

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