She Started It -A Bad Good Book

Book Review of Sorts

If you are looking for a book about four shallow self-absorbed girls who venture off to a deserted island to attend the wedding of a high school friend, they picked apart mercifully, this is your book.

Especially if you are looking for a book, that takes place at Deadman’s Bay. Surprise surprise, these women have sinister secrets about their deeply shallow lives, and a who is sleeping with whom, drug addictions, kleptomaniacs, and outright liars. This is your type of book.

Add in a bogus wedding, game of truth or dare, scavenger hunt, ruined lives, bruised, egos, and secrets never to be told. The secrets get told over and over again in the most humiliating way.

If you’re seeking a land where nobody trusts anybody with petty cat fights and somewhere along the way, there are jealousy, conspiracies and protect your ass at all cost scenarios.

This is your type of book.

If you’re looking first for a place where strange things happen, maniacal, storms, placid beaches, and eventually they all want to kill each other. This is your type of book. It is a mystery of me why I actually enjoyed this book.

There are no car chases.

It is not my genre, but it might’ve been the perfect book for an eight hour car ride.